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Our views will always be different

Let's think about this..

It feels like we try to make things so black and white.... so "FOR" this or "AGAINST" this

so YES or NO… but that's not how life experiences work. Life isn’t black or white, yes or no, totally for and totally against.

Its GRAY! Blue and purple! It's I sorta agree with this and don't really agree with that. Its a mixture just like we are. Depending on what you grew up seeing... who you've dated... the kind of house you grew up in.. EVERYTHING You experience will change your point of view. Even someone living in the same environment will experience life a little different from you.

The point here is, how can we create all these rules, laws, tests and expectations of people when we will never all agree to them... there will always be war if we continue to make rules for everyone to abide by. I know this is hard to fix and a long conversation, but let's think about this on a smaller scale.. how can we change the small things around us? Think about social media or conversations with friends and family.. When someone tells you their likes or dislikes and you respond with "well i think".. you are setting up a battle. If someone posts about anything you don't agree with why let them know? Why do we tell people they should or shouldn't feel a certain way? You might not use those exact words, but by correcting others to see it your way you are saying "you're wrong and this is a better way".

Why can’t we see that making everyone be the same is bad?

These rules cant all apply to everyone and some things that look bad for one will save another. Some drugs kill people that abuse them and those same drugs will save someone's life who uses them carefully. Depending on your experiences you will have your own thoughts on this matter. Where is the balance?

WHY IS EVERYONE FIGHTING TO BE HEARD AND SEEN? See yourself as god made you and see others for how god made them. I like to try and appreciate others for their differences. It's ok to promote love and try to pull others towards the light, but it's not ok to make your voice heard just for the sake of letting someone know they are different than you. I am referring to negative situations. Positive situations where we share our hearts differences is magical!!! Let others show up and shine how they choose. It's really none of our business what others believe. It's our job to love and serve others.

I love all your weirdos! hehehe

Like Will Ferral says: EVERYBODY LOVE EVERYBODY!!! 😂😂😂🥵🥰♥️😍💖

ps. Pray for me and everyone yall LOL

also another P.S. - no one proof reads these blogs. I'm not an "Honor Grammar Grad" so enjoy the mistakes hahahaha!



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