Say it out loud
Speak your dreams out loud into the universe. Let God hear you. I used to think if i talked about how good things were i would jinx it and it would all be taken away from me. Why do we do that? If you say it's such a beautiful day its not going to rain because you said it. A girl at the store told me the other day, It's so nice out but I dont want to say it because then its going to rain. I wanted to say NOOOOOOO KEEP SAYING ITS BEAUTIFUL AND YOU WILL SEE MORE AND MORE BEAUTY. The rain is beautiful though! If I said it was a beautiful day and it started to rain I would assume the rain enhances beauty and go with it. YOU GET TO CHOOSE THE FEELINGS YOU HAVE.
We get to create our own reality. We get to choose how we feel and what we give attention to. We can change the story behind things and we can do what feels good. Think about the life you are creating. Think about the love you put out. We really do get what we put out.
Just keep loving. Just keep giving. Giving to yourself. When all is right with you, its hard to disturb your peace. Try grounding and give yourself a reality check by speaking out loud, I have everything I need right now to feel joy. I am on the right path and I am fully supported. I am so amazing and loved and I have lots of love to give.
IT'S TRUE! Shine today and let your voice guide you. <3
All the love, Samantha Thrasher